Secretary General
Gulshan Youth Club Ltd.
Dear Fellow Members,
I trust that by the Grace of the almighty Allah you and your family are keeping well .
Since the inception of this club, as a life member, I have been watching the progress of our beloved club in an attentive manner. I earnestly believe that the club is now set to enter into an era of renewed dynamism with reinvigorated momentum. It is the time to flourish with a vision of becoming the icon of the people of the local community.
Our overarching goal is to cultivate the spirit of friendship, mutual understanding, and solidarity among the various clubs of this locality and also with the society of Gulshan, Baridhara, and Banani.
I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the President and the executive committee members of Gulshan Youth Club Ltd. for their unconditional support and cooperation. I also like to thank our office staff and employees who have done a tremendous amount of work to look after the club and to help in every way they could to create a worthy environment for all.
We strongly believe that the Annual General Meeting is the appropriate platform to review and evaluate the performance of the Executive Committee. Opinions and suggestions from the members attending the Annual General Meeting will immensely help the Executive Committee to achieve the objective of the Club. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all our members and well-wishers for their continued support and interest in club activities. We are confident that we would be able to strengthen our fraternity and maintain the tradition and glory of the club in the coming years.
On behalf of the Executive Committee, I wish you all in good health.
Long Live Gulshan Youth Club.
Dr. Wahiduzzaman (Tamal)
Secretary General
Gulshan Youth Club Ltd.